如果之外 如果之外


如果我们展示给你看呢, 如何使用3D打印, 雅各布斯和美国宇航局可以建造可居住的前哨基地, 在最偏远的地方,甚至离家更近的地方?


大卫·鲍伊的热门歌曲已经过去48年了, 《正规博彩十大网站排名》在电视上播出, 但问题在它的合唱, “火星上有生命吗??仍然是一种流行文化和科学现象.

支持未来的火星探索, its past and other far out locations in space depends on designing and constructing habitable places for astronauts to live and work on the surface. 究竟, the demands placed on our housing and infrastructure are fast outstripping capacity as populations surge. 来自麦肯锡全球研究所的估计 项目 到2025年,大约1.60亿城市居民可能难以获得体面的住房.

But what if we showed you how 正规博彩十大网站排名 and NASA scientists are exploring planetary habitat manufacturing and assembly technologies, 比如3D打印, 制定切合实际的方案, 无论是在陆地上还是在太空中,经济实惠且灵活的结构都能蓬勃发展?


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    建造日vs. 传统的5

“能够按需3D打印我们需要的任何结构或部件, 使用就地资源制成的原料, 能使我们独立于地球之外吗, 这样我们就可以发展我们自己的地面首页,并根据需要创建我们自己的备件. 另外, whatever we can produce on a planetary surface will not need to be sent from Earth and will save the time and cost of launching those materials – a gamechanger for NASA.”




A one-way trip to Mars would take astronauts anywhere from six to nine months and once they arrived, 需要有适合他们居住的地方. 考虑到到达火星需要的时间, and that a trip to a store for supplies isn’t something the astronauts can add to their to-do lists once in space, 3D打印正在探索以前认为不可能的选择.

为修路做准备, 地球上的护堤和结构, 雅各布斯和美国国家航空航天局乔治C. 马歇尔太空飞行中心(MSFC)在亨茨维尔, Alabama are experimenting with 3D printers and the benefits afforded by them for a process called 添加剂建设.

和其他加法过程一样, 添加剂建设 starts with turning a computerized geometric model of a part into a set of printing instructions for a 3D printer. 然后, 结构被打印出来, 一层一层地, 使用定义的坐标和打印参数.

在设计这些结构时, 我们团队的首要任务之一是研究地球的土壤化学, 矿物学和地质力学特性——开发建筑材料的关键, 就地资源, 可以抵御火星的寒冷, 无空气和生锈的沙漠表面. These studies will help produce designs for structures capable of providing radiation and ballistic protection and maximize structural support despite low-pressure environments.

3D-printing infrastructure and use of local materials for construction is estimated to reduce the amount of materials transported from Earth by 60 to 90 percent, significantly reducing construction costs and time and even reducing the environmental impact by using less material and generating less waste. The team already found success using a Martian simulant to create cement construction material and they are hopeful that one day, 在对力量进行了更多的研究之后, 氧化障碍, 辐射屏蔽电位等, 他们将能够使用3D打印技术制造一个完整的前哨基地.



虽然在火星上建立3D打印首页的想法非常酷, 增材建筑技术的起源更加接地气. 雅各布斯甚至还在协助这项技术进入其他市场, 比如军事应用以及州和地方政府.

For broader society the potential to harness 添加剂建设 to solve looming problems on Earth, 比如房地产危机, 特别令人兴奋. 近 3000万美元.S. 家庭 面临以下一个或多个问题:成本负担、过度拥挤和空间不足. 在世界范围内, 而发展中国家的大城市一直在以每年接近5%的速度增长, 贫民窟和棚户区的增长速度几乎是现在的两倍.

增材结构是适应性强的,按需的,可以在各种设置中使用. 这项技术可以在一天内建成简单的军事基地住房, 而不是通常的五个. 目前,在美国的住宅.S. 需要半年多的时间来建造. 3D打印成本更低, using just half the material used for typical builds; and it also requires fewer personnel – which could free up more time to build additional structures to help bridge the housing gap.

最近,在雅各布斯的支持下,美国宇航局MSFC太空制造团队的成员开发了一种 全尺寸增材制造系统 为了美国.S. 伊利诺斯州尚佩恩的陆军工程兵团(COE)研究实验室. 欧洲委员会和美国.S. state of 夏威夷 are interested in using the technology to minimize the need for materials to be imported from the mainland. 想象一下,在面对美国面临的问题时,这项技术可以实现什么.S.中国的传统首页,如道路和供水系统.

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