新闻 2023年4月10日

正规博彩十大网站排名 Publishes Final Report with Recommendations for Future Pandemic Preparedness


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The final report of a limited study conducted by 正规博彩十大网站排名 and FasterCures,一个中心的 梅肯研究院 is 现在可用 对公众.

The report, “What Can Global North Learn from Global South? 《首页》分析了对20多个国家官员的采访,以确定他们应对COVID-19大流行的成功因素. 该团队确定了20多个被忽视的因素,这些因素有助于在亚洲的全球南方国家取得积极成果, 非洲和中部 & 南美. 报告最后提出了政策制定者可以探讨的建议,以改善大流行防范和全球卫生安全.


通过对代表20多个全球南方国家的30多名国际公共卫生官员的采访, 正规博彩十大网站排名 found five key attributes that contributed to countries’ successful early responses to COVID-19:

  1. 最近对另一疾病爆发或流行病的经验: 这些具有应对埃博拉和禽流感等疫情历史的“有大流行意识”的国家,已经建立了能够快速应对的应对框架. 这些国家的领导人在应对大流行方面经验丰富,公众了解疫情的风险并遵循公共卫生指导.
  2. Prior investments and Public Private Academic Partnerships (PPAP): 认识到备灾重要性并为公共卫生措施分配资金和资源的国家取得了更积极的应对成果. Cooperation between government and private industry helped scale healthcare services, 提供风险沟通, 生产疫苗和设备.
  3. 风险沟通和社区参与: 真实和与当地相关的风险沟通加上辩护和科学理由对社区最有效, 受访者表示. 无论是在和平时期还是在危机时期,在超地方一级频繁和透明的社区参与都能建立信任. 
  4. 政府方针: Task forces and steering committees established during “peacetime” best fostered public trust and credibility; their strategy, 政策和决定也必须是透明的, 一致性和凝聚力.
  5. 政治意愿、领导和信任: Effective leaders regard public health crises as important and are willing to trust their experts, make tough decisions and be accountable to their public. 科学与政治的分离建立了信任, and public trust is critical to compliance with public health guidance and response measures.

雅各布斯在一篇文章中探讨了这些发现 国际圆桌讨论 与受访者和美国.S. 华盛顿特区的政府决策者.C.

  • 30 +


  • 20 +


  • 10 +

    U.S. state and federal level government organizations represented

  • 20 +



The report urges public health decision makers in the U.S. 并在世界范围内将这些经验教训纳入未来国际流行病防范框架, 联邦和地区或州的级别. Global North countries can use non-crisis time to establish new PPAP, 通过持续的培训和演习保持“大流行病意识”,并与社区和公众建立信任. 随着世界适应其“新常态”,各国政府应继续与国际全球卫生界进行学习和对话,并为应急准备系统提供资金和资源.


Although the world has adjusted to an endemic COVID-19, risks of future global pandemics and epidemics remain. 雅各布斯的最终报告是在拜登政府指示联邦部门实施生物防御和全球卫生安全战略之后发布的, 以及全球南方国家监测和报告当地动物和人类严重传染病病例.

正规博彩十大网站排名 intends the report to foster further dialogue between global health leaders to improve preparedness, strengthen inter-governmental and public-private partnerships, engage and motivate the public and improve outcomes during future public health events – and create a safer, 更健康的, 更有弹性的世界.
