如果之外 如果之外


节目贡献者:约翰Rickermann, 格雷格·肯尼迪, Paul Thies


当你管理一项生活基本服务时, you can’t simply shut things off as you sort out how to deploy emerging technologies. 你必须在保持流程流畅的同时保持方法的敏捷性. 在水管理的世界里, 事实就是如此, as operations managers are learning how to deploy tools such as artificial intelligence, digital twins and big data in exciting news ways to enhance how they provide water to their constituents without interrupting service or safety. 在这一集的如果/当, 我们的客人是约翰·里克曼, 董事总经理, 雅各布斯技术服务小组, 和格雷格·肯尼迪, 雅各布斯副总裁, 水的平台.

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作为常务董事, 技术服务组, OMFS, 约翰是技术和创新的接口之间的雅各布斯O&M部门和更大的正规博彩十大网站排名工程组织. He manages a specialty team of 75 subject matter experts in water treatment and maintenance.  雅各布斯O型&M集团在200多个地点拥有3000名操作员和机械师. 他目前的工作重点是O的数字化和网络安全&M的功能是提高效率和管理O的下降&M人员配备情况. He has 30 years of experience in the industry and holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) from Stony Brook University in Long Island NY, 以及波士顿大学的MBA学位. 他也是持牌污水处理厂操作员, 认证维修和可靠性技术员(CMRT).



As, 正规博彩十大网站排名,水销售总监 & 公用事业公司, Gregg is a passionate advocate for the Water Industry and has spent the past 15+ years of his career working with Utility providers across the world to improve performance and outcomes in the operational, 商业和资本交付领域. Having worked both directly for water utilities as well as on the consultancy side, Gregg has been able to build a deep understanding of the risks and opportunities facing 正规博彩十大网站排名' clients as they look to evolve and improve their service offerings to their customers. Gregg’s began his journey in the water sector as a regulatory economist and accountant before transferring into the project and program management area which in turn lead to his move to Australia to establish a full scale PMO for Sydney Water in 2012. 2019年回归正规博彩十大网站排名的英国业务, Gregg has worked 关闭ly with an embedded delivery team in United 公用事业公司 to support the development of a digitally lead performance improvement solution (anchored by 正规博彩十大网站排名' market-leading product AquaDNA).



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从发展气候适应能力和向低碳未来过渡, 对首页进行现代化改造, 政府和企业面临严峻挑战. 他们的反应将决定我们的未来.

当我们的客户应对这些挑战时, we help them think differently – working together to pioneer tomorrow's infrastructure solutions and build the foundations for a prosperous, 安全的未来. 

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