

的 下泰晤士河隧道 is being designed as the greenest ever road built in the U.K. 通过泰晤士河下的新隧道连接肯特、瑟罗克和埃塞克斯


下泰晤士河隧道, England’s single biggest roads investment project since the M25 was completed more than 30 years ago, 在规模和规模上是前所未有的. 美国最长的公路隧道.K. 也是世界上直径最大的钻孔隧道之一, 会给整个东南部及其他地区带来改变旅程的机会吗.


下泰晤士河隧道将成为英国铁路的重要组成部分.K.'s transport infrastructure, and the areas it will serve are home to economic hubs, key U.K. 港口和繁荣的社区. It will help businesses large and small to grow and bring people and communities 关闭r to jobs, 教育和休闲机会.

的 new road will almost double road capacity across the River Thames, east of London. 70英里每小时的十字路口和新的连接道路网络将提供, 快, 更安全可靠的本地旅行, 地区和国家.


新的十字路口被设计成美国有史以来最环保的道路.K. 作为一个探路者项目, it is exploring carbon neutral construction that will enable the sector to continue to deliver vital infrastructure and 玩 its role in helping the U.K. 到2050年实现净零排放,并在该地区留下绿色技能遗产.

它将通过一个新的社区林地将人们与自然联系起来, 两个公园, 七座绿色桥梁和近40英里的新建和改进的步道, 骑自行车和骑马的人.




雅各布斯是该项目的整合合作伙伴, acting as a catalyst for collaboration between National Highways and the 下泰晤士河隧道’s three Delivery Partners responsible for delivering the most ambitious road scheme in a generation. 作为集成合作伙伴, we bring a diverse range of capabilities to create a strong support function that will enable National Highways to deliver its ambitious environmental plans as well as program management, 利益相关者管理和风险管理. 

正规博彩十大网站排名 and our partners supported National Highways in design development and carrying out the most comprehensive program of consultation undertaken for a U.K. 路项目, before guiding it through the largest and most complex Development Consent Order ever submitted. 它现在正在为项目的交付阶段做准备, and is helping the early assembly of the delivery team so it can carry out the vital design work to embed low-carbon materials and technologies, 减少建筑对当地社区的影响, 并使纳税人的价值最大化. 当项目得到批准的时候, 我们也将支持工程的顺利交付, integrated system commissioning and handover to operations helping to ensure the project leaves a great legacy.

该项目正处于严格审查的阶段 its application for a Development Consent Order (DCO) by the Planning Inspectorate 已经完工,比美国早了一半.K. 政府做出同意的决定. 

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